Site for anyone intersted in racing and history of all Winkelmann / Palliser racing cars
9 Members

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  • Looking for Palliser-Winkelmann WDF2 or WDF3 Formula Ford.
    Anything considered.
    Please send offers and leads by PM.
    Thank you.
    Philippe Demeyer
  • On October 30-Nov.1 at the CSRG Season Finale at Thunderhill we are having a Titan/Winkelmann Reunion. Andy Antipas ( is organizing the Titan side & I am doing the Winkelmann ( side. Bob Winkelmann will be there with ex-Wink employees like Paul Hasselgren & there will be representatives from the Titan/Lucas camp. The CSRG site has entries & details: Join us!!!

    Titan Registry
    Titan Formula Cars
  • Marc & Francisco, thank you for your nice comments. I'm really looking forward to developing the site. I think Francisco has been too polite because he didn't comment about me mis-captioning his car. I captioned it as Junco's & it was---40 years ago!!!! I will correct it.

    Please spread the word as much as possible. I really want to get the Classifieds section going & I think I will start linking a photo of the car to its corresponding entry on the registry page. Please email photos to my address on the site!!! Thanks

  • Locke: thank you for helping revamp tha Palliser-Winkelmann site, its a great idea!!!
    Please contact me if I can be of any help.
    Best Regards,
    Francisco Mancillas
  • Locke, Thanks for your commitment to running the Website. !! Please contact me if there is anything I can do.

    Marc Crocetti

  • FYI, if you are interested in Palliser-Winkelmanns please note that the site ( has been revamped & I'm trying to touch base with as many owners as possible. I would like to confirm chassis numbers & hopefully mine the owners for a bit of content to put on the site. Be advised...I will find you!!!

    Locke de B

    Home - Palliser-Winkelmann Registry
    A resource and information site for owners and enthusiasts of Palliser-Winkelmann formula cars.
  • Hi, I'm getting ready to start my restoration on my 1970 WDF-2, SF region.
  • It is great to see new people coming to the site and always good to hear of other cars being vintage raced !!
  • Hi, new to this site & group. I run a 1969 Winkelmann WDB-2 (FB) in the Northwest.
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